Every day, we choose community.
Jason Roberts
Community is the enduring centre of Jason Roberts’ story. An activist, former professional footballer, media personality, and the current Director of Development at CONCACAF, Jason Roberts, MBE, launched his Foundation in 2007.

Chief amongst his priorities was to support the Stonebridge Estate community in North London — inspired by the work of his uncle and football legend, Cyrille Regis — and Grenada, where his family is from and for whom he played internationally.

The Foundation
Today, the Foundation boasts more than a decade of success, a permanent community hub at Bridgestone Arena, and a global network of partners united in empowering communities through grassroots health, education, and inclusion projects.
Areas of work
We believe there is no greater tool to promote health and wellbeing than sport.
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Steadfast in our commitment to increasing participation and breaking down barriers for the most vulnerable, our projects are both a means — to explore the lessons at the heart of sport: leadership, perseverance, teamwork — and an end, as participants reap the physical and mental benefits of physical activity.
We collaborate with fellow service providers to ensure that our early intervention provision compliments the wider health and wellbeing ecosystem.
Unwavering in our pursuit of lifelong learning and firm believers in the role of education to change circumstances.
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Our education provision provides contemporary training opportunities for individuals and organisations alike.
In 2015, we launched the Jason Roberts Foundation Curriculum: Level 1 and 2 Equality and Diversity accredited training courses for coaches, youth workers and volunteers across the UK and Caribbean.
Underpinned by our belief in equal opportunities.
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Our inclusion projects set a new standard for participation and representation for those whose needs are often overlooked. Whether living with a disability or challenged by deprivation, our efforts ensure that the value and contributions of these groups are embraced, encouraged, and celebrated.
Jason Roberts Foundation
Changing outcomes for the most marginalised

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