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Martene Carroll

January Recap – Events & Activities

Yamile Aldama surprise visit to Lyon Park School

What a start to the new year! 

Activities and events have focussed on sport, health, heritage, and happiness with music and dancing! There has certainly been something for everyone.

From inspiring players and developing grassroots coaches with Peter Augustine from The FA’s Coach Development Team to the Caribbean Walking Football Team winning their first game this year.

Pupils at John Lyon’s School were treated with a visit from our latest ‘Empower to Achieve’ Women of Sport & Heritage, Yamilé Aldama for a Q&A and an impromptu long jump competition.

We launched our new Healthy Hub for adults and the first participants warmed up with some training exercises before receiving health checks and nutrition advice.

The month finished off on a high with our elderly neighbours and those living with Dementia enjoying a social get-together with a ‘name that tune’ quiz before taking to the dance floor to relive dance moves from their youth.

Our youth Media man Marley has captured it all here on this short video:

Olympian Yamilé Aldama joins Empower to Achieve

Children being shown triple jump by Yamile Aldama

24th January 2024

Last Friday saw the return of the Memory café element of the popular ‘Empower to Achieve’ Heritage programme funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, made possible by money raised by National Lottery players.

The new addition to the existing quartet of Heritage women central to the project is Yamilé Aldama, a Cuban-born triple jumper, four-time Olympian and gold medallist at the 2012 World Indoor Championships.

Yamilé was back in Brent visiting Lyon Park School, having previously lived in the borough some time ago.

Following research, the students who make up the school’s Sports Council, fielded interesting questions to their Olympian guest including asking about her childhood in Cuba, and why she chose to represent three different Nations in the World Championships.

Following the Memory Café the students enjoyed some outdoor activities and were treated to a firsthand masterclass in the triple jump.

After an hour of warm-ups and training, the school hosted an Olympic style competition and three competitors took to the podium to receive their gold, silver, and bronze medals.

The students received signed photographs of Yamilé but were disappointed not to have their school shirts signed!

Nevertheless, everyone agreed it was a fantastic day where sports heritage and education met.

JRF Activities, Events, & Celebrations in December 2024

Boy in JRF Kit next to JRF Logo

The JRF Team are delighted to share this Video montage from our Youth Media Man – Marley, of the exciting activities, events, and celebrations we enjoyed with our local community, partners, staff, and volunteers throughout December.

What a month, and what a year it has been!

We’re looking ahead to what’s in store over the next twelve months as we head into our eighteenth year since launching in 2007.

There’s lots to look forward to and we hope you will all be a part of it.

In the meantime, from the JRF Family to yours, we wish you a very happy, healthy, and hopeful New Year.

With all good wishes and many thanks for your continued support.

We couldn’t do it without you.

The JRF Team

Follow us #JasonRobertsFdn

Youth give back with Community Clean up

Youth standing in front of litter they have collected

Sunday 22nd December 2024

Ahead of the festive break a group of fifteen local youths who frequent the Foundation’s activities and programmes at Bridgestone Arena took part in a community clean up, giving back to their community centre and neighbourhood.

This social action initiative is one of many such climate schemes organised by JRF and local partners including Hyde Housing and Brent Council over the last few years, inspiring local young people and adults to take action and be responsible for the area in which they live.

Over the years JRF have been active in green and environmental activities including community clean ups, education, enhancing green spaces and creating a ‘Green squad’ Youth Board that take part in environmental taskforce conversations.

Training was conducted by Ilaria of “Start Easy” a specialist in environmental training and green programmes.

The youths who gave up their time to get involved in the initiative were rewarded with a well-earned meal at a local grill restaurant.

New year, new you

Staff being trained to do health checks

Co-production Training underway

Monday 16th December 2024

Last night JRF kicked off their latest initiative at Bridgestone Arena, a Community Health co-production offer in collaboration with Brent Health Matters (BHM) team.

Andre Nolan, Clinical lead from BHM delivered a one-hour training workshop to local residents and JRF staff as part of the new programme to empower communities to take the early health screening into their own hands.

The aim of the programme is offering the community base rate health assessments including height and weight measurements to determine Body Mass Index (BMI), and blood pressure checks, and diabetic risk scores to help residents and local user groups to monitor their health on a regular basis.

Bridgestone Arena has hosted many health events and initiatives over the last eighteen months and through these weekly health checks the JRF and BHM teams aim to raise awareness of the importance of regular testing and inspire the community to make small changes in their everyday lives including exercise and healthier eating and lifestyle options to achieve life enhancing results.

Andre Nolan commented on his team’s involvement in the programme saying, “BHM will be supporting JRF in evaluating the impacts of the initiative by providing guidance on baseline measurements, and the effect of exercise, physical activity, and nutrition advice on an individual’s general wellbeing. We hope this will result in the prevention of some minor and major health issues that plague our community.”

Martene Carroll, Business Development Manager for JRF said; “We hope pre-existing social and familial health inequalities will be reduced and improve social capital through this investment in the health and wellbeing of future generations.”

Pizza Making with Bakkavor Meals London

Young people making Pizzas

Saturday 7th December 2024 

Eight young people who regularly attend JRF activities and events had the opportunity to visit Bakkavor Meals London Park Royal factory for a careers day learning about manufacturing and the food industry.

The day started with ice breakers and an introduction to the Bakkavor team, as well as a discussion about how the relationship between Bakkavor Meals London and the JRF has built up over the years, leading to an annual Cricket and sport fun day to raise funds for the Foundation.

A tour of the premises followed with an exercise looking at ingredients and the production line, and the young visitors found out about the apprenticeship schemes and Graduates’ schemes that Bakkavor offer.

The group went on to make their own JRF themed pizzas inspired by the Foundation’s logo. The results of the pizza making and branding of the pizza boxes were fabulous, and the young people came away with giveaways and food goodies, enthused and inspired by a food manufacturer that has community at their heart.

JRF has recently been awarded £16,000 by the Bakkavor Meals London team following another successful community and family fun day which included a Cricket tournament, sports, games, and activities for all the family, and raffle.

This fourth event was bigger than previous years with other Bakkavor factories and staff taking part in a wonderful day of sport, health, and community spirit.

Otis Roberts, CEO of JRF said; “We are so thankful for the great relationship that has developed over the years with Bakkavor Meals London. The funding they raise supports our work in the community, and we greatly appreciate their continued support.”

Girls try Rugby at inter-school Tournament

Group of girls playing tag rugby

Wednesday 13th November 2024

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon over forty girls aged 12 – 14 years old took part in an inter-school Tag Rugby Tournament hosted by the Jason Roberts Foundation (JRF) in collaboration with the Serge Betsen Academy.

The London EmpowerHer event was a brilliant example of how rugby joins communities.

The girls’ Rugby project delivered by JRF and funded by England Rugby and the Mayor of London merges participation in local schools and community centres and incorporates Tag Rugby coaching and personal development through the Skills builder programme.

The London EmpowerHer project is going from strength to strength as the interest and participation in tag rugby grows.

The schools which included Twyford School and Alperton Community School competed in a three-way tournament incorporating a master class and Q&A with former French and Wasps legend Serge Betsen. The girls asked some inspired questions, and the session could have gone on well into the evening.

Serge and his coaches from the Academy assisted JRF’s rugby coach Wilbert, who all provided the competitors with tips and encouragement on how to make an impact in a match situation.

Each school received a trophy for participating in the tournament and returned home empowered by the news skills they learnt by competing in a sport that is in great need of a boost.

If you’d like to know more about the London EmpowerHer Rugby project, contact

For more information about the Serge Betsen Academy visit

The Boys are back in town

Cardinal Hinsley Dozen in front of former school

JRF initiate a return to school for twelve former students in Harlesden.

Wednesday 30th October 2024

Last Wednesday the boys were back in town as the class of 1963 met the class of 2024 at Newman Catholic College (formerly Cardinal Hinsley) for a long-awaited visit to their former school some 55-years on.

The Cardinal Hinsley dozen who attended school in the 60s travelled from far and wide to have a tour of Harlesden and were then shown around their former school by young students. The group also revisited some of their old haunts in Roundwood Park and Harlesden high street.

Some turned up with their old schoolbooks wearing their school scarves with an enthusiastic skip in their step as though it was the first day all over again.

Amazingly they have kept in touch all this time meeting for monthly afternoon tea on more than 150 occasions, creating bond that is unbreakable.

A nostalgic afternoon was spent in previous classrooms, the woodwork room, and playground for the former students who have forged successful careers in banking, the arts, consultancy, construction and notably Oscar winning sound producer Chris Munro who hails from Church Road.

Head teacher Andy Dunne and Assistant Head Susan Grace were instrumental in ensuring that the current group of student hosts shared stories and ideas with their elders and provided great insight into the school and future plans, with the successful development going forward.

The day ended with discussion, laughter, and memories on the journey back for those who call Brent and Harlesden home.

Kenelm Robert one of the driving forces behind the groups longevity said,

“Thank you for inviting me to list the names and careers of my Cardinal Hinsley school chums who meet for monthly afternoon tea since our phased retirement since 2012. You will remember that we all met, aged 11, at the renamed Newman Academy from 5th September 1963. The school had been opened for just five years and, in the desire to create an exemplary institute of learning, many seemingly quaint and unusual practises were adopted and was the usual criteria.

For instance, the prefects wore boaters and carried short sticks to mete summarily justice to younger pupils who had transgressed. School caps were always worn and, if a teacher was not shown the respect by “capping”, (raising the headgear to acknowledge a master), punishment, usually three strikes of the cane,  could be administered at the next morning’s assembly.

Despite these challenges all my friends agree that these were amongst the happiest times of our lives and our afternoon teas are spent reminiscing and reflecting ‘a la recherché du temps perdu!

Our years at Cardinal Hinsley were, educationally and emotionally, the most significant of our lives and the friendships we shared will never be forgotten.”

JRF Celebrate Black History Month

Women of Heritage on stage at Brent Civic Centre

23rd October 2024

Each October the Jason Roberts Foundation (JRF) host an event and activities for the Brent community to celebrate Black History Month, to remember moments in history, achievements, and contributions that Black people have made in the United Kingdom.

Introduced by historian and author, Dr Carter G Woodson in the USA in 1926, Black History Month began in the UK in 1987.

Reclaiming Narratives

This year’s theme for Black History Month is “Reclaiming Narratives” to correct historical inaccuracies and uncover untold stories of Black people’s contributions to art, literature, business, sport, politics and more in the UK and around the world.

On Wednesday 23rd October JRF joined up with Brent Council at Brent Civic Centre to celebrate Black History Month.

Fittingly JRF’s ‘Empower to Achieve’ Heritage project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, traces the Ancestry of Women in Sport of Caribbean, Indian, and Somali Heritage.

Three of the women of Heritage the project is focussed on; Lorna Falconer – Head of Football Operations at Brentford Football Club, Connie Henry, MBE – founder of charity Track Academy, creator of the Sports Give Back Awards, and former international triple jumper; and Celeste Stevens, Head of Safeguarding & Academy Player Welfare at Reading Football Club took to the stage at the ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ event and spoke to the audience about their career journey, families, and personal experiences competing and working in the world of sport.

The event was attended by over 250 people who heard some of their previously untold stories and interacted with the ladies during a Q&A session.

Many young participants of JRF projects and activities who are contributing and taking part in the National Lottery Heritage Funded project were in attendance and enjoyed the rest of the evening which included poetry, arts, and music.

Young JRF Media intern Marley said, “This project has given others and people like me the opportunity to research, gain skills and experience, and be responsible for contributing to the work and projects run by the Foundation. I’m learning new things every day and we are all constantly being inspired by the women of Heritage involved in the ‘Empower to Achieve’ project, who always have time for us.”

For more information about JRF projects and events follow #JasonRobertsFdn and email

Arthur Wharton Cup comes to Brent

Youths & Shaun Campbell stand in front of Arthur Wharton Panel

Sunday 20th October 2024

The Arthur Wharton statue made its first appearance in Brent on Sunday when local youths played for the Arthur Wharton trophy at Bridgestone Arena, home of the Jason Roberts Foundation (JRF).

Over ninety players and spectators took part in a tournament of football, cricket, and athletics to commemorate a sporting pioneer.

Arthur Wharton was born in Ghana in 1865. In 1883, he moved to Darlington, England where he began his amazing sporting career.

Arthur became the first Black professional footballer, the first official fastest man, a professional cricketer, and a rugby player.

Specially made bibs were worn by each team which marked the club and the heritage to which Arthur was associated with Rotherham, Darlington, Ghana his place of birth and Grenada where is father was born.

Founder Shaun Campbell of the Arthur Wharton Foundation travelled from the northeast and was on hand to inspire, educate, and connect with the local players and community. A short film and Q&A session followed after the main presentation to the winning team of the football tournament and an award for the fastest youth on the day was over.

To add to the impressive list of local players displayed at the Bridgestone Arena, the Hyde owned community centre a stone’s throw away from the iconic Wembley Stadium, JRF unveiled a large panel featuring Arthur Wharton for current and future generations to remember his contribution to sport.

Otis Roberts, CEO said “I’ve known Shaun for a number of years and haven’t seen him for a while but now I’ve met with him twice in a week. It’s an honour to have him in Brent educating the youth about Arthur and it’s only fitting that JRF recognise the great work that is being done by Shaun and his organisation to raise awareness of Arthur’s feats.”

Shaun Campbell said “It was a real honour and a privilege to see Arthur Wharton remembered and commemorated at the Bridgestone Arena, by the Jason Roberts Foundation. The occasion also marked the 10th Anniversary of the unveiling of the now iconic statue of Arthur Wharton at the National Football Centre, St George’s Park, Burton upon Trent, home of the FA.

The JRF were exceptional hosts who marked the occasion with the unveiling of a poignant mural of Arthur, placed on their wall of honour that celebrates local heroes such as Raheem Stirling, Ricky hill, Rachel Yankey and Jason Roberts, among others.

The Arthur Wharton Foundation thanks the JRF for a truly wonderful day of celebrations that saw the local youth turn out in numbers to make the day special.

Special thanks to Otis Roberts, who has been a friend and supporter of the Arthur Wharton Foundation for some twelve years. Thanks also to the entire team at the JRF who showed exceptional kindness and commitment on the day, something that we will never forget, and will always be grateful for.”

For more information about the Arthur Wharton Foundation visit